Washington Post story on our ONI Report

A solid story by Jonathan Krim of the Washington Post on our China Internet Filtering Study, which will be posted here tomorrow AM.

Web Censors In China Find Success

Falun Gong, Dalai Lama Among Blocked Topics

By Jonathan Krim

Washington Post Staff Writer
Thursday, April 14, 2005; Page A20

The Chinese government is succeeding in broadly censoring what its citizens can read on the Internet, surprising many experts and denting U.S. government hopes that online access would be a quick catalyst for democratic political reform.

Internet users in the world’s most populous country are routinely blocked from sites featuring information on subjects such as Taiwanese independence, the Falun Gong movement, the Dalai Lama and the Tiananmen Square uprising in 1989, according to a study to be released today by a consortium of researchers from Harvard University, the University of Toronto and Cambridge University in England.

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ONI to Present China Report before US Congressional Committee

We will be releasing our upcoming report on China’s Internet censorship regime before a US Congressional Committee this coming Thursday. Here is the media advisory. Our own Nart Villeneuve will be presenting along with our Harvard colleagues John Palfrey and Derek Bambauer. Does anyone know if it is televised or streamed online?