Tag: Iran
✴︎ blogNational Post: Canada has a responsibility to protect Open Web
The National Post’s Matt Hartley wrote a profile of the Citizen Lab‘s work on Iran, and my views on what Canada could be doing to protect and preserve an open Internet. We are fortunate to collaborate with ASL19 and other Iranians on our research and other projects. Hartley’s piece also mentioned my keynote presentation at…
✴︎ blogCBC Current Panel on Nokia-Siemens Lawsuit
I was interviewed by CBC’s The Current on September 17 regarding Isa Saharkhiz’s lawsuit against Nokia Siemens Networks and the broader implications of cyber espionage. The radio clip also features a panel discussion with the son of the jailed journalist, Mehdi Saharkhiz, and Tony Rutkowski, Cybersecurity Rapporteur for the United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union. Listen…
✴︎ blogCivil Society and Democracy in Iran conference
I participated in the University of Toronto’s Centre for Ethics Civil society and Democracy In Iran workshop, held 14-15 May 2010 at the University of Toronto. I was participating in the panel on “Exploring the Youth Movement in Iran,” and spoke about the challenges of cyberspace controls for youth activism in and outside of Iran…
✴︎ blogNPR Here and Now interview
I did an interview with NPR’s Here and Now about psiphon and The Use of Proxy Servers in Iran.
✴︎ blogPsiphon, Iran, and OpenNet Initiative
There is a lot going on right now on so many exciting fronts. We at the OpenNet Initiative have released three major reports: An Asian regional overview, and country reports on China and Iran. We released these at the ONI Asia regional meeting in Penang Malaysia. Thanks to the ONI team for all of their…
✴︎ blogPsiphon wins Index on Censorship Economist New Media Award
We were very pleased to hear that Psiphon was the recipient of the Economist New Media Award at the Index on Censorship 2009 Free Expression Award Ceremony in London yesterday. Details here. Although we are proud to win the award, we feel that this award belongs to the others on the shortlist as well. In…
✴︎ blogA Censored Network: Iran
Richard Rogers’ Govcom.org foundation has been doing cutting edge research on online networks for years, producing visually rich outputs that show connections among major nodes, typically using their issue crawler tool. We at the OpenNet Initaitive have entered into a collaboration with Rogers and his team at Govcom.org to produce a series of issue-crawler maps…
✴︎ blogRed Herring Article on Iranian Internet Filtering
Red Herring has an article on Iranian content filtering that refers to our ONI report. There are some extensive quotations from Nart Villeneuve, Director of Technical Research at the Citizen Lab.
✴︎ blogToday Online Story on Iranian Internet Activists
I did an interview for an article in Today Online on Iranian Internet activists. Along with myself, there are interviews with Hoder and my colleague John Palfrey.
✴︎ blogBBC, BBC5, and BBC Persian Interview
Among all of the press coverage of our recent Iran report, I thought I’d post this one from BBCPersian, which has an interview with me translated into Farsi. You can listen to the realaudio package here. As an addendum, here is a nice BBC story by Clark Boyd, with a great interview with Nart Villeneuve,…