Tag: Psiphon
✴︎ blogFinancial Times and CNN International
I am posting two recent news items for the archive. The first is a brief story (with an interesting looking map) from the Financial Times on Internet censorship. The second is an older interview I did on December 1st with CNN International about psiphon. The interview has been posted on youtube here.
✴︎ blogPsiphon User Guide
The psiphon user guide is now available for download. Thanks to the Citizen Lab team (Jane, Mike, Anton, Eugene, and Nart) for all of the hard work. Stay tuned for translated and localized versions, coming soon.
✴︎ blogBerkman Center at Harvard Lunchtime Talk and Radio Free Europe
I had the pleasure recently of giving a talk to the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, home of many friends and colleagues of the OpenNet Initiative. My talk was about securing human rights online, focusing in particular on the psiphon project. You can see the entire talk here. And here…
✴︎ blogNewsforge Article about Psiphon
An excellent article about psiphon in Newsforge. As the author says, “Psiphon is not designed to solve all secure Web browsing dilemmas. Rather, it is a means by which those in uncensored countries can assist specific individuals in censored countries access blocked Web content — without placing any technical (or personal security) burden on those…
✴︎ blogpsiphon media roundup
The psiphon launch and worldwide public release went very well. Thanks to my colleague Rafal Rohozinski at the University of Cambridge, and lead engineer Mike Hull, Anton, Eugene, Nart, Jane, Sarah, and James for working so hard and getting it out there. It has, and continues to be, a real Citizen Lab team effort. Thanks…
✴︎ blogFar Eastern Economic Review essay
I wrote an essay for the Far Eastern Economic Review that can be accessed here. The article discusses some of of the analytical findings raised by the research of the OpenNet Initiative project, and discusses the potential implications of our psiphon censorship circumvention tool.
✴︎ blogPsiphon Press Coverage
We have been fortunate to have a lot of interest in the upcoming release of our psiphon software. In an effort to archive some of the coverage, I am including some links here. BBC Reuters Register UK American Public Radio Future Tense WIRED blogs
✴︎ blogWeb Tool Said to Offer Way Past the Government Censor
Published in the New York Times November 27, 2006 By CHRISTOPHER MASON TORONTO, Nov. 21 — Deep in a basement lab at the University of Toronto a team of political scientists, software engineers and computer-hacking activists, or “hactivists,” have created the latest, and some say most advanced tool yet in allowing Internet users to circumvent…
✴︎ blogWIRED and Macleans
There have been a couple of news items concerning research at the Citizen Lab. The first is a news item from WIRED News concerning the ongoing activities of the OpenNet Initiative. We have recently completed testing in nearly 40 countries worldwide (not the 50 the magazine claims) and our researchers gathered at Berkman Center for…
✴︎ blogBBC on Psiphon
There has been a few news items recently concerning some of our projects at the Citizen Lab. The BBC’s The World had a report on developments in Iranian censorship of the Internet, giving special attention to our soon-to-be-released (December 1st) software project, psiphon. The interview was with the Citizen Lab’s director of technical research, Nart…