Tag: Conferences
✴︎ blog2003 Press Freedom Awards by Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
On Thursday, I went to the 2003 Press Freedom Awards hosted by the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression — a very worthy organization. It was great to see Alberto Barillas of Guatemala co-receive the award along with Xu Wei, the Chinese dissident sentenced to prison for 10 years for posting “illegal” information on the Internet.…
✴︎ blogPrivacy and Security Conference
Later this week is a conference on Privacy and Security sponsored by the Centre for Innovation and Law (UofT), the Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research (Waterloo), and the Ontario Privacy Commission. I’ll be speaking there on a panel on Privacy and Homeland Security.
✴︎ blogTomorrow's Conference
Tomorrow there is a conference on SARS and Human Rights in China, put on by the UofT Law School. I’ll be there.