Tag: china
✴︎ blogSoftware can bypass China’s “Great Firewall” but hard to get inside country
Two years ago the Citizen Lab released a program called Psiphon, which allows users in countries such as China and Iran to circumvent their governments’ Internet censorship. The free software uses computers outside the censoring country — known as proxies — to fetch web pages and send them back over encrypted connections. The technique is…
✴︎ blogChina’s Overeager American Censors
Published on Forbes.com June 20, 2008 Practically every U.S.-owned search engine has caved to the Chinese government’s demands that they censor political Web sites in China. But none of them seem to agree on just what sites need censoring. Google, at times, blocks Chinese users’ access to the BBC while Yahoo! permits it. Yahoo! sometimes…
✴︎ blogTestimony to US Congress
I am testifying to US Congress today, at the US China Economic and Security Review Commission. My testimony covers the research of the OpenNet Initiative on Internet censorship practices in China, the range and effectiveness of circumvention methods, including our own tool — psiphon, and the role of US and Western corporations in aiding and…
✴︎ blogCBC The Current
I was a guest on CBC’s The Current on Friday. The show begins with a focus on the Yahoo case involving Wang Xiaoning and Shi Taoi who are currently serving 10 year sentences for subversion based on records Yahoo turned over to Chinese authorities. You can listen to the interview here
✴︎ blogEcommerce and Vancouver Sun
ecommerce on the ONI Vancouver Sun on Internet censorship in China
✴︎ blogChina Web Registration Regulation OpenNet Initiative Bulletin 11
The OpenNet Initiative has just released a new bulletin on China’s Web registration regulations. These new regulations add yet additional threads to the country’s web of constraints on freedom of speech. By requiring citizens to register their blogs and websites, and shutting down the sites of those who do not comply, the Chinese authorities are…
✴︎ blogToronto SUN, Jane's Intelligence Review
There have been a couple of news items recently covering the work of the Citizen Lab, the OpenNet Initiative, and some of our other projects — from rather different ends of the media spectrum. The Toronto Sun‘s Mike Strobel did a great piece on his visit to the Lab and his impressions of our activities.…
✴︎ blogChina Google Search Compare
In an effort to tailor its services to the requirements of China’s Internet filtering regime, Google announced last week that it had created a special version of its search engine for the China market, Google.cn. Our OpenNet Initiative team put together a neat little search comparison tool that you can access here that allows you…
✴︎ blogCBC The Hour Interview on China's Internet Filtering Regime
I did an interview with George “Strombo” on his show CBC’s The Hour. You should be able to view the entire clip in QuickTime online here.
✴︎ blogFuture Tense Radio Interview on China Internet
Here is a radio interview I did with Jon Gordon of Future Tense on the results of our China Internet Report. A good interview, I think, although I kind of sound like I’m talking from a bathroom. Maybe I should get myself a boom microphone for these interviews. I’ve archived the show locally here here.