Tag: UAE
✴︎ blogGulfNews.com report on OpenNet Initiative's report on the UAE.
Another GulfNews.com report on the OpenNet Initiative’s report on Internet censorship in the United Arab Emeriates, which can be accessed here.
✴︎ blogGulfNews.com Report on ONI
There is a story in GulfNews about the ONI’s country report on Internet Filtering in the United Arab Emirates. Thanks to Neil Hrab for forwarding and pointing that out. I must say, though, that we certainly do not “praise” the UAE, that’s for sure. I don’t know where the guy got that from. All we…
✴︎ blogUAE Internet Filtering Study
Internet Filtering in the United Arab Emirates in 2004-2005: A Country Study The OpenNet Initiative announces the release of its study documenting Internet filtering in the United Arab Emirates. ONI tested over 8000 Web sites in the past six months, finding that UAE blocks material viewed as culturally inappropriate or offensive to the state’s perception…