Tag: Targeted threats
✴︎ blogThe Easy and Affordable Way to Undertake Cyber Espionage
I am pleased to announce a new Citizen Lab report, entitled “Nile Phish: Large-Scale Phishing Campaign Targeting Egyptian Civil Society,” authored by the Citizen Lab’s John Scott-Railton, Bill Marczak, and Etienne Maynier, in collaboration with Ramy Raoof of the Egyptian Initiative for Personal Rights. The full report is here: https://citizenlab.org/2017/02/nilephish-report/ When most of us think…
✴︎ blogThe DHS/FBI Report on Russian Hacking was a Predictable Failure
Russian cyber espionage against American political targets has dominated the news in recent months, intensifying last week with President Barack Obama’s announcement of sanctions against Russia. Cyber espionage is, of course, nothing new. But using data collected in cyber espionage operations to interfere in the U.S. election process on behalf of one of the candidates…