Tag: Publications
✴︎ blogRESET: Reclaiming the Internet for Civil Society
I am really excited to be the 2020 CBC Massey Lecturer. It was a great honour to be invited and be among the great authors and thinkers who have inspired me over the years, including MargaretAtwood, Ursula Franklin, Jane Jacobs, Charles Taylor, and so many others. The lectures will be virtual this year, broadcast…
✴︎ blogNew Canada Centre / Citizen Lab Report: “Casting A Wider Net”
The Canada Centre for Global Security Studies and the Citizen Lab at University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, have released a detailed report that tracks and analyzes the difficulties of broadcasting the news into jurisdictions that censor the Internet, including Iran and China. The report, entitled Casting a Wider Net: Lessons Learned in…
✴︎ blogAccess Contested: Security, Identity and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace
In December 2011, we will celebrate the launch of Access Contested: Security, Identity, and Resistance in Asian Cyberspace, which is the third volume from the OpenNet Initiative. Edited by Ron Deibert, John G. Palfrey, Rafal Rohozinski and Jonathan Zittrain, Access Contested examines the interplay of national security, social and ethnic identity, and resistance in Asian…
✴︎ blogAsian Cyberspace on the Rise: Challenges and Opportunities for Canada
In wrote an article for the Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada about the rise of Asia’s cyberspace. ” The piece examines “how countries are responding to the challenges and opportunities of growing innovation in the region…and outlines the limited role Canada can play in shaping developments of cyberspace governance and security in Asia which will…
✴︎ blogSyrian Electronic Army: Disruptive Attacks and Hyped Targets
The Information Warfare Monitor just released a new blog report, “Syrian Electronic Army: Disruptive Attacks and Hyped Targets.” The report analyzes the ongoing computer network exploitation activities of the Syrian Electronic Army (SEA). The report is a follow on to a prior report released last month: The Emergence of Open and Organized Pro-Government Cyber Attacks…
✴︎ blogCBC Dispatches Interview
I was a guest of Rick MacInnes-Rae’s CBC Dispatches. We discussed the Information Warfare Monitor‘s report on the Syrian Electronic Army by Citizen Lab senior fellow Helmi Noman, and the larger context of cyberspace controls and contests. You can listen to the show here.
✴︎ blogHuffington Post: Cyber Security and Canadian Policy
I was asked to contribute a piece to the launch of Huffington Post Canada. My article addresses questions of cyber security that have been raised by President Sarkozy at the e-G8, and in particular what Canada could contribute in this area. The editors placed my article on the home page for a few hours, with…
✴︎ blogRescuing the Global Cyber Commons: An urgent agenda for the G8 meeting in Deauville, France
As the world’s largest economies, western liberal-democratic countries have a critical strategic interest in sustaining cyberspace as an open and secure commons of information constituted around freedom of speech and access to information. They also stand to lose the most should it spiral into a hotly contested zone of crime, espionage, and warfare. What should…
✴︎ blogThe New Cyber Military Industrial Complex (Globe and Mail)
“There’s an arms race in cyberspace, and a massively exploding new cyber-industrial complex that serves it. Like all arms races before it, the growing tensions in cyberspace and the proliferation of tools and services that feed it create a climate of fear and insecurity. And as Samuel Coleridge once said, ‘What begins in fear usually…
✴︎ blogScience Magazine review of Access Controlled
“The research collected in the volume is the product of a path-breaking interuniversity collaboration: the OpenNet Initiative. For the past five or so years, researchers around the world led by the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk Centre for International Studies and Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society have been attempting to…