Tag: Open Net Initiative
✴︎ blogInterrogating Saudi Arabian Filtering of the Internet
We at the OpenNet Initiative have just released a new report on Internet content filtering in Saudi Arabia. Probably the most interesting result is the identification of commercial filtering software through “fingerprint” errors.
✴︎ blogGeorgewbush.com Geolocational Filtering
We just released another Bulletin (007), this one examining the rather curious geolocation filtering by the official georgewbush.com website. It seems for security reasons they didn’t want these countries looking at their website. Not sure anyone there would have wanted to look at it anyway, but if they did they could have just used the…
✴︎ blogONI Bulletin on China's Filtering of Google
Our OpenNet Initiative project released a new bulletin today on China’s filtering of Google’s cache, how this affects using it as an ad hoc form of circumvention, and some other details related to backbone filtering on search engines. The Wall Street Journal did a piece profiling (reg req’d) this and our previous Bulletin, as well…
✴︎ blogProbing China
We (the OpenNet Initiative, that is) did some probing of Chinese search engines from behind the Great Firewall and found some interesting stuff. Look HERE for the full bulletin.
✴︎ blogInternet Content Filtering in India
Internet Content Filtering in India: Variations in Compliance and Accuracy We have just released this bulletin on some recent Internet content filtering patterns in India. The collateral blocking of a terrorist website is definitely weird, but story here is the compliance issue.
✴︎ blogHarvard Crimson story about the ONI
The Harvard Crimson wrote a story about the OpenNet Initiative featured here. HLS Team To Study Internet Censorship Researchers at Harvard Law School are gathering empirical data on the censorship of internet content and are using it to develop software that can subvert filters.A handful of professors at the Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet…
✴︎ blogAnnouncing The Open Net Initiative!
A new approach to university-based research striving to become the eyes and ears of digital censorship worldwide “The Open Net Initiative represents a new approach to university-based research,” says Cambridge University’s Rafal Rohozinski. “We fuse cutting-edge intelligence-derived techniques with a networked model of analysis that includes some of the brightest minds in this field –…