Tag: NGO
✴︎ blogToronto’s Citizen Lab uses forensics to fight online censors
A basement in the gray, Gothic heart of the University of Toronto is home to the CSI of cyberspace. “We are doing free expression forensics,” says Ronald Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab, based at the Munk Centre for International Studies. Deibert and his team of academics and students investigate in real time governments and…
✴︎ blogAmnesty International Conference "Some People think the Internet is a Bad Thing"
Yesterday was the Amnesty International conference. I enjoyed the discussions, which ranged far and wide. You can see the archived webcast here. CBC had a pretty good report on it. One correction, however: I never said we tested 41 countries in 2002.
✴︎ blogIrrepressible.Info Amnesty International
I will be participating in Amnesty International’s Irrepressible.info one year anniversary conference, the details for which can be found here. We at the OpenNet Initiative have been providing background information and data for the campaign. Here is a Guardian/Observer story on the upcoming event, and the way in which the campaign has had an impact…
✴︎ blogBBC Interview
I did a BBC radio interview about a week ago as part of Amnesty’s irrepressible.info campaign. The interview starts at the 22 minute mark.
✴︎ blogAmnesty Slams Cisco
The Amnesty Irrepressibe.info campaign is continuing to raise awareness and debate about Internet censorship practices around the world. Part of the purpose of the campaign is to focus on western companies who provide technologies of censorship and surveillance. There is a ZDNet UK article about the topic, with some of my comments on the matter,…
✴︎ blogAmnesty International Irrepressible.info and ONI flash map
Amnesty International and the Observer have jointly launched a major global campaign on Internet censorship called Irrepressible.info to commemorate Amnesty’s 45th anniversary. The objective of the campaign is to show that online or offline the human voice and human rights are impossible to repress. You can sign their pledge and post fragments of irrepressible information…
✴︎ blogNPR ON Point Radio Interview
I just did a radio interview with Tom Ashbrook on NPR’s On Point radio show. The topic was Internet censorship and surveillance worldwide. You can listen to it here. Timothy Wu of Columbia University Law School, Julien Pain of Reporters without Borders, and Declan McCullaugh of CNET were the other guests
✴︎ blogReporters Without Borders Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents
Reporters Without Borders has just released their very useful Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents. The Citizen Lab contributed two chapters, one a general guide to the Civiblog, and a second chapter by Director of Technical Research Nart Villeneuve on Technical Ways to Get Around Censorship. Congratulations Julien Pain and all of the people at RSF for…
✴︎ blogCJFE/IFEX Panel
I participated in a panel organized by the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) and World Press Photo 04 on October 13 to discuss how the Internet is being policed and the impact this has on freedom of expression. Part of the events surrounding the World Press Photo exhibit in Toronto.
✴︎ blogOpenNet Initiative Report on Iran
We just released this report on Iranian censorship of the Internet, essentially verifying banned websites reported by RSF and stop.censoring.us.