Tag: Internet Security
✴︎ blogRisking Security: Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security
Ronald Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, “Risking Security: Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security,” in International Political Sociology, Volume 4 Issue 1, Pages 15 – 32. Conceptualizations of cyberspace security can be divided into two related dimensions, articulated as “risks”: risks to the physical realm of computer and communication technologies (risks to cyberspace); and risks that…
✴︎ blogWeb 2.0 Presidency (Canada Watch Paper) and KMDI Lecture
I recently wrote a short discussion piece for York University’s here, called the “Web 2.0 Presidency,” which can be downloaded here. Additionally, I recently gave a talk to the KMDI called “Leveling the Playing Field for Citizen Intelligence,” which can be viewed here.
✴︎ blog6 Questions with Ron Deibert
Published in Canadian Business What is the greatest challenge currently facing Citizen Lab and what are you doing about it? More here
✴︎ blogThe Looming Destruction of the Global Communications Environment
Published on Publius.cc Ask most citizens worldwide to identify the most pressing issue facing humanity as a whole and they will likely respond with global warming. However, there is another environmental catastrophe looming: the degradation of the global communications environment. The parallels between the two issues are striking: in both cases an invaluable commons is…
✴︎ blog6th Annual Privacy and Security Conference
I gave a presentation last night to the 6th Annual Privacy and Security Conference on the work of the OpenNet Initiative.
✴︎ blogHacking the Kyrgyz Internet during Parliamentary Elections
Our ONI team has just put out this press release on the Kyrgyz parliamentary elections, which we monitored from afar and in the field. Websites belonging to political parties and independent media were subject to unexplained technical failures and deliberate hacking that suggest a deliberate attempt to interfere with the functioning of the Internet during…