Tag: Conferences
✴︎ blogIrrepressible.Info Amnesty International
I will be participating in Amnesty International’s Irrepressible.info one year anniversary conference, the details for which can be found here. We at the OpenNet Initiative have been providing background information and data for the campaign. Here is a Guardian/Observer story on the upcoming event, and the way in which the campaign has had an impact…
✴︎ blogONI Oxford Conference — Media Coverage
The first ONI woodstock is over. I had a very productive time, and particularly enjoyed the debate at the Oxford Union. Here are a few selected media stories about the ONI’s reports: International Herald Tribue Sci-Tech Today National Post archived here locally CityTV …and here is a separate news item in the Guardian UK on…
✴︎ blogOpenNet Initiative Conference May 18th 2007 Oxford
The OpenNet Initiative is holding its first public conference to discuss the current state of play of Internet filtering worldwide. The conference will be hosted by the Oxford Internet Institute and held at the University of Oxford on May 18, 2007. The conference is free of charge and open to the public. Results from the…
✴︎ blogBerkman Center at Harvard Lunchtime Talk and Radio Free Europe
I had the pleasure recently of giving a talk to the Berkman Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School, home of many friends and colleagues of the OpenNet Initiative. My talk was about securing human rights online, focusing in particular on the psiphon project. You can see the entire talk here. And here…
✴︎ blogIGF Forum Athens
I participated in the Internet Governance Forum today, on a panel with fellow panelists Ambassador David Gross of the United States, Julien Pain of Reporters Without Borders, Fred Tipson of Microsoft, and others. I was checking in through a videoconference connection, which made it a little difficult to hear what my fellow panelists were saying,…
✴︎ blog6th Annual Privacy and Security Conference
I gave a presentation last night to the 6th Annual Privacy and Security Conference on the work of the OpenNet Initiative.
✴︎ blogCJFE/IFEX Panel
I participated in a panel organized by the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) and World Press Photo 04 on October 13 to discuss how the Internet is being policed and the impact this has on freedom of expression. Part of the events surrounding the World Press Photo exhibit in Toronto.
✴︎ blogPower and Pathologies of Networks
I just returned from the Power and Pathologies of Networks conference, organized by James Der Derian at the Watson Institute at Brown University, and held September 10 and 11th. It was a great conference, lots of good people, featuring a nice exhibit on the history of computer viruses.
✴︎ blogOpen Source Conference
Citizen Lab is helping to sponsor the Open Source and Free Software Conference to be held May 9-11th at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall.
✴︎ blogSan Diego Political Networks Workshop
Political Networks workshop this weekend.