Tag: Circumvention
✴︎ blogNew Canada Centre / Citizen Lab Report: “Casting A Wider Net”
The Canada Centre for Global Security Studies and the Citizen Lab at University of Toronto’s Munk School of Global Affairs, have released a detailed report that tracks and analyzes the difficulties of broadcasting the news into jurisdictions that censor the Internet, including Iran and China. The report, entitled Casting a Wider Net: Lessons Learned in…
✴︎ blogPsiphon FAQ
We’ve been fortunate to have a lot of advance press coverage of our Psiphon tool, which of course can be a double-edged sword. Journalists don’t always have an opportunity to get into the nitty gritty details and we’ve been fielding a lot of questions from interested observers. coders, well-wishers, and … well… not-so-well-wishers. We have…
✴︎ blogONI Bulletin on China's Filtering of Google
Our OpenNet Initiative project released a new bulletin today on China’s filtering of Google’s cache, how this affects using it as an ad hoc form of circumvention, and some other details related to backbone filtering on search engines. The Wall Street Journal did a piece profiling (reg req’d) this and our previous Bulletin, as well…
✴︎ blogOpenNet Initiative Advisory 001
Here is the first OpenNet Initiative Advisory (001) on the “Unintended Consequences and Risks of Circumvention Technologies: The IBB’s Anonymizer Service in Iran.”