Tag: china
✴︎ blogChina Internet Filtering Report on ABC
A good interview (if I do say so myself) with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation’s Asia Pacific program on our China Internet filtering report. You can listen to the interview here and read the transcript here. And of course our report can be found here.
✴︎ blogWashington Post story on our ONI Report
A solid story by Jonathan Krim of the Washington Post on our China Internet Filtering Study, which will be posted here tomorrow AM. Web Censors In China Find Success Falun Gong, Dalai Lama Among Blocked Topics By Jonathan Krim Washington Post Staff Writer Thursday, April 14, 2005; Page A20 The Chinese government is succeeding in…
✴︎ blogONI to Present China Report before US Congressional Committee
We will be releasing our upcoming report on China’s Internet censorship regime before a US Congressional Committee this coming Thursday. Here is the media advisory. Our own Nart Villeneuve will be presenting along with our Harvard colleagues John Palfrey and Derek Bambauer. Does anyone know if it is televised or streamed online?
✴︎ blogChinese Blogs Filtered
Our OpenNet Initiative project has just released another Bulletin on the filtering of blogs in China. It appears that there is variation among the blog providers, and we point out some ways in which the filtering systems, in their present form, can be easily circumvented.
✴︎ blogOpenNet Initiative News Coverage in the NY Times and TechNews
The OpenNet Initiative has been getting some good recent press, with a mention of our research on China in the NY Times and a comment by the Citizen Lab’s Director of Technical Research Nart Villeneuve in TechNewsWorld.
✴︎ blogProbing China
We (the OpenNet Initiative, that is) did some probing of Chinese search engines from behind the Great Firewall and found some interesting stuff. Look HERE for the full bulletin.
✴︎ blogTomorrow's Conference
Tomorrow there is a conference on SARS and Human Rights in China, put on by the UofT Law School. I’ll be there.