
See all published books on the Books page

Book Chapters

Anstis, S., Barnett, S., Chan, S., & Deibert, R. (2022). The Negative Externalities of Cyberspace Instability for Global Civil Society. In R. Chesney, J. Shires, & M. Smeets (Eds.), Cyberspace and Instability (pp. 246-284). Edinburgh University Press.

Deibert, R. (2020). The Biases of Information Security Research. In L. DeNardis, D. Cogburn, N. S. Levinson, & F. Musiani (Eds.), Researching Internet Governance (pp. 231-252). MIT Press.

Deibert, R., & L. Pauly. (2019). Mutual Entanglement and Complex Sovereignty in Cyberspace. In D. Bigo, E. F. Isin, & E. Ruppert (Eds.), Data Politics: Worlds, Subjects, Rights (pp. 81-99). Routledge.

Deibert, R., & L. Pauly. (2018). Mutual Entanglement and Complex Sovereignty in Cyberspace. In The Future of Canada’s Territorial Borders and Personal Boundaries: Proceedings of the Third S.D. Clark Symposium on the Future of Canadian Society. Rock’s Mills Press.

Deibert, R. (2017). Digital Threats Against Journalists. In E. Bell & T. Owen (Eds.), Journalism After Snowden: The Future of Free Press in the Surveillance State (pp. 240-257). Columbia University Press.

Deibert, R. (2017). Trajectories of Cyber Security Research. In A. Gheciu & W. C. Wohlforth (Eds), Handbook of International Security (pp. 531-546). Oxford University Press. 

Deibert, R. (2017). Cyber Security. In M. D. Cavelty & T. Balzacq (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Security Studies (2nd ed., pp. 172-182). Routledge.

Deibert, R., & Scott-Railton, J. (2016). Digitally Armed and Dangerous: Humanitarian Intervention in the Wired World. In P. Williams & D. Fiddner (Eds.), Cyberspace Malevolent Actors, Criminal Opportunities and Strategic Competition (pp. 319-368). United States Army War College.

Deibert, R. (2016). Cyberspace Under Siege. In L. Diamond, M. Plattner, & C. Walker (Eds.), Authoritarianism Goes Global: The Challenge to Democracy (pp.198-215). Johns Hopkins University Press.

Deibert, R. (2015). Who Knows What Evils Lurk in the Shadows? In E. M. Iacobucci & S. J. Toope (Eds.), After the Paris Attacks: Responses in Canada, Europe, and around the Globe (pp.191-202). University of Toronto Press.

Deibert, R. (2014). Bounding Cyber Power: Escalation and Restraint in Global Cyberspace. In M. Raymond & G. Smith (Eds.), Organized Chaos: Reimagining the Internet (pp. 49-68). Centre for International Governance Innovation.

Deibert, R., Carrieri, M., & Khan, S.O. (2013). Information Infrastructure, State Power, and Anti-Regime Protests: The Case of Iran and Tunisia. In M. Hussain & P. Howard (Eds.), State Power 2.0: Authoritarian Entrenchment and Political Engagement Worldwide (pp. 45-55). Ashgate Publications.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2012). Liberation Vs. Control: The Future of Cyberspace. In L. Diamond & M. Plattner (Eds.), Liberation Technology: Social Media and the Struggle for Democracy (pp. 18-32). Johns Hopkins University Press.

Deibert, R. (2012). International Mechanisms of Cyberspace Controls. In L. Diamond Y & M. Plattner (Eds.), Liberation Technology: Social Media and the Struggle for Democracy (pp. 33-46). Johns Hopkins University Press.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2011). Access Contested: Toward the Fourth Phase of Cyberspace Controls. In R. Deibert, J. Palfrey, R. Rohozinski, & J. Zittrain (Eds.), Access Contested: Security, Resistance, and Identity in Asian Cyberspace (pp. 3-20). MIT Press.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2011). Contesting Cyberspace and the Coming Crisis of Authority. In R. Deibert, J. Palfrey, R. Rohozinski, & J. Zittrain (Eds.), Access Contested: Security, Resistance, and Identity in Asian Cyberspace (pp. 21-42). MIT Press.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010). Control and Subversion in Russian Cyberspace. In R. Deibert, J. Palfrey, R. Rohozinski, & J. Zittrain (Eds.), Access Controlled: Policies and Practices of Internet Filtering and Surveillance (pp. 15-34). MIT Press.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010). Beyond Denial: Shaping Cyberspace. In R. Deibert, J. Palfrey, R. Rohozinski, & J. Zittrain (Eds.), Access Contested: Security, Resistance, and Identity in Asian Cyberspace (pp. 3-14). MIT Press.

Deibert, R. (2010). Black Code Redux: Censorship, Surveillance, and the Militarization of Cyberspace. In M. Boler (Ed.), Tactics in Hard Times (pp. 137-162). MIT Press.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2009). Undercover of the Net. In A. Clunan & H. Trinkunas (Eds.), Ungoverned Spaces? Alternatives to State Authority in an Era of Softened Sovereignty (pp. 255-274). Stanford University Press.

Deibert, R. (2009). Protect the Net: The Looming Destruction of the Global Communications Environment. In M. Kingwell, & P. Tunnel (Eds.), Rites of Way: The Politics and Poetics of Public Space (pp. 137-150). Wilfred Laurier Press.

Deibert, R. (2008). The Geopolitics of Internet Control: Censorship, Sovereignty and Cyberspace. In A. Chadwick & P. Howard (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Internet Politics (pp. 324-336). Routledge.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2008). Good for Liberty, Bad for Security? Internet Securitization and Global Civil Society. In R. Deibert, J. Palfrey, R. Rohozinski, & J. Zittrain (Eds.), Access Denied: The Practice and Policy of Internet Filtering (pp. 123-165). MIT Press.

Deibert, R. (2008). Between Essentialism and Constructivism: Harold Innis and World Order Transformations. In M. Blondheim & R. Watson (Eds.), The Toronto School of Communication Theory: Interpretations, Extensions, Applications (pp. 29-52). University of Toronto Press.

Deibert, R., & Villeneuve, N. (2004). Firewalls and Power: An Overview of Global State Censorship of the Internet. In M. Klang & A. Murray (Eds.), Human Rights in the Digital Age (pp. 111-124). Cavendish Publishing.

Deibert, R. & Stein, J. (2003). Social and Electronic Networks in the War on Terror. In R. Latham (Ed.), Bombs and Bandwidth: The Emerging Relationship between IT and Security (pp. 157-174). Free Press.

Deibert, R. (2003). Unfettered Observation: The Politics of Earth Monitoring From Space. In H. Lambright (Ed.), Space Policy for the 21st Century (pp. 89-114). John Hopkins University Press.

Deibert, R. (2003). Hyper-Realities of World Politics: Theorizing the Communications Revolution. In E. Potter (Ed.), Cyber-Diplomacy: Managing Foreign Policy in the 21st Century (pp. 27-47). McGill-Queen’s University Press.  

Deibert, R. (2003). Civil Society Activism on the World Wide Web: The Case of the Anti-MAI Lobby. In D. Cameron & J. Stein (Eds.), Street Protests and Fantasy Parks: Globalization, Culture and the State (pp. 88-108). UBC Press.

Deibert, R. (2003). Civil Society Networks in an e-Connected World. In S. Coleman (Ed.), The e-Connected World: Risks and Opportunities (pp. 107-122). McGill University Press.

Deibert, R. (2002). Circuits of Power: Security in the Internet Environment. In J.P. Singh & J. Rosenau (Eds.), Information Technologies and Global Politics: The Changing Scope of Power and Governance (pp. 115-142). Suny Press.

Deibert, R. (2001). Neo-Medievalism. In R. J. Jones (Ed.), Routledge Encyclopedia of International Political Economy (pp. 1114-1116). Routledge.

Deibert, R. (1999). Network Power. In R. Stubbs & G. Underhill (Eds.), Political Economy and the Changing Global Order (2nd ed). Oxford University Press.

Deibert, R. (1999). Out of Focus: U.S. Military Satellites and Environmental Rescue. In D. Deudney & R. Matthew (Eds.), Contested Grounds: Conflict and Security in the New Environmental Politics (pp. 267-289). SUNY Press.

Deibert, R. (1998). Altered Worlds: Social Forces in the Hypermedia Environment. In L. Pal & C. Alexander (Eds.), Digital Democracy: Politics and Policy in the Wired World (23-43). Oxford University Press.

Deibert, R., Olson, J., & Roese, N. (1996). Psychological Biases in Counterfactual Thought Experiments. In P. Tetlock & A. Belkin (Eds.), Counterfactual Thought Experiments in World Politics (pp. 296-300). Princeton University Press.

Journal Articles

Anstis, S., Dalek, J., & Deibert, R. J. (2024). The Ethical and Legal Dilemmas of Digital Accountability Research and the Utility of International Norm-Setting. AJIL Unbound, 118, 40–44. P.

Anstis, S., Al-Jizawi, N., Deibert, R. J. (2023). Transnational Repression and the Different Faces of Sovereignty. Temple Law Review, 95(4), 641-660. P.  

Deibert, R. J. (2023). The Autocrat In Your iPhone. Foreign Affairs, 102(1), 72-88. 

Deibert, R. J. (2022). Subversion Inc: The Age of Private Espionage. Journal of Democracy, 33(2), 28-44. 

Deibert, R. J. (2022). Protecting Society From Surveillance Spyware. Issues in Science and Technology, 38(2), 15-17. 

Deibert, R. J. (2022). Authoritarian Power and the Commercial Surveillance and Private Intelligence Marketplace. Democracy and Autocracy, 20(1), 34-42. 

Deibert, R. J., & Duguin, S. (2021). Patrolling the Dark Alleys of the Spyware Market. Foreign Policy Analytics Special Report. 

Crete-Nishihata, M., Oliver, J., Parsons, C., Walker, D., Tsui, L., & Deibert, R. (2020). The Information Security Cultures of Journalism. Digital Journalism, 8(8), 1068-1091. https://doi-org/10.1080/21670811.2020.1777882 

Maschmeyer, L., Deibert, R. J. and Lindsay, J.R. (2020). A tale of two cybers-how threat reporting by cybersecurity firms systematically underrepresents threats to civil society. Journal of Information Technology & Politics, 18(1), 1-20. 

Deibert, R. (2020). Rescuing the Internet for Academic Freedom. In Leonie Maria Tanczer, Ronald J Deibert, Didier Bigo, M I Franklin, Lucas Melgaço, David Lyon, Becky Kazansky, Stefania Milan, Online Surveillance, Censorship, and Encryption in Academia, International Studies Perspectives, Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 1–36, 

Deibert, R., Oliver, J., & Senft, A. (2019). Censors Get Smart: Evidence from Psiphon in Iran. Review of Policy Research, 36(3), 1-16. P

Deibert, R. (2019). The Road to Digital Unfreedom: Three Painful Truths About Social Media. Journal of Democracy, 30(1), 25-39. 

Deibert, R. (2018). Toward a Human-Centric Approach to Cybersecurity. Ethics & International Affairs, 32(4), 411-424. P

Penney, J., McKune, S., Gill, L., & Deibert, R. (2018). Advancing human-rights-by-design in the dual-use technology industry. Columbia Journal of International Affairs, 71(2), 103-110. P

Flyverbom, M., Deibert, R., & Matten, D. (2017). The Governance of Digital Technology, Big Data, and the Internet: New Roles and Responsibilities for Business. Business & Society [Special Issue], 00(0), 1-17. P

Deibert, R. (2015). The Geopolitics of Cyberspace After Snowden. Current History, 114(768), 9-15. P

Deibert, R. (2015). Authoritarianism Goes Global: Cyberspace Under Siege. Journal of Democracy, 26(3), 64-78. P

Deibert, R. (2013). Divide and Rule: Republican Security Theory as Civil Society Cyber Society.  Georgetown Journal of International Affairs – International Engagement on Cyber III, 45-56. P

Crete-Nishihata, M., Deibert, R., & Senft, A. (2013). Not By Technical Means Alone: the Multidisciplinary Challenges of Studying Information Controls. IEEE Internet Computing, 17(3), 34-41. P

Deibert, R. (2013). Trouble at the border: China’s Internet. Index on Censorship, 42(2), 132-135. 

Deibert, R. (2013). Bounding Cyber Power: Escalation and Restraint in Global Cyberspace. Centre for International Governance Innovation’s Internet Governance Papers.

Deibert, R. (2012). The Growing Dark Side of Cyberspace (…and What To Do About It). Penn State Journal of Law & International Affairs, 1(2), 260-274. P

Deibert, R., & Crete-Nishihata, M. (2012). Global Governance and the Spread of Cyberspace Controls. Global Governance. 18(3), 339-361. P

Deibert, R. (2012). Distributed Security as Cyber Strategy: Outlining a Comprehensive Approach for Canada in Cyberspace. Journal of Military and Strategic Studies, 14(2), 1-25. P

Deibert, R. (2012). Social Media, Inc.: The Global Politics of Big Data. World Politics Review.

Deibert, R., Rohozinski R., & Crete-Nishihata, M. (2012). Cyclones in Cyberspace: Information Shaping and Denial in the 2008 Russia-Georgia War. Security Dialogue, 43(1), 3-24. P

Deibert, R., & Crete-Nishihata, M. (2011). Blurred Boundaries: Probing the Ethics of Cyberspace Research. Review of Policy Research, 28(5), 531-537. P

Deibert, R. (2011). Tracking the Emerging Arms Race in Cyberspace. Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, 67(1), 1-8. 

Deibert, R. (2010). Asian Cyberspace on the Rise: Challenges and Opportunities for Canada. Canada-Asia Agenda, 20, 1-5.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010). Liberation vs. Control: The Future of Cyberspace. Journal of Democracy, 21(4), 43-57. P

Deibert, R. (2010). Blogging Dangerously. Index on Censorship, 39(4), 88-92.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010). Risking Security: The Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security. International Political Sociology, 4(1), 15-32. P

Deibert, R. (2010). China’s Cyberspace Control Strategy: An Overview and Consideration of Issues for Canadian Policy. Canadian International Council: China Papers, 7, 1-15.

Deibert, R. (2003). Black Code: Censorship, Surveillance, and Militarization of Cyberspace. Millennium: Journal of International Studies, 32(3): 501-530. P

Deibert, R. (2003). Deep Probe: The Evolution of Network Intelligence. Intelligence and National Security, 17(1), 175-193. P

Deibert, R. (2003). E-Democracy: Current Trends and Future Prospects. A Report to the Panel on the Role of Government

Deibert, R., & Stein, J. (2002). Hacking Networks of Terror. Dialog-IO 1(1), 1-14. P

Deibert, R. (2001). Dark Guests and Great Firewalls: Chinese Internet Security Policy. Journal of Social Issues, 58(1), 143-158. P

Deibert, R. (2000). International Plug n’ Play? Citizen Activism, the Internet, and Global Public Policy. International Studies Perspectives, 1(3), 255-272. P

Deibert, R. (1999). Harold Innis and the Empire of Speed. Review of International Studies, 25(2), 273-289. P

Deibert, R. (1998). Virtual Resources: International Relations Research on the Internet. International Organization, 52(1), 221-221. P

Deibert, R. (1997). Exorcismus Theoriae: Pragmatism, Metaphors and the Return of the Medieval in IR Theory. European Journal of International Relations, 3(2), 167-192. P

Deibert, R. (1996). Typographica: The Medium and the Medieval to Modern Transformation. Review of International Studies, 22, 29-56. P

Government Testimony, Submissions, and Reports

Deibert, R. (June 4, 2024). Testimony to the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP). 

Deibert, R., Anstis, S., Franco, C., Panday, Z. (June 30, 2023). Submission of the Citizen Lab (Munk School of Global Affairs & Public Policy, University of Toronto) to the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP). 

Deibert, R. (August 11, 2022). Submission to the Standing Committee on Access to Information, Privacy, and Ethics. (With the input of Siena Anstis and Angela Yang). 

Deibert, R. (2021). Sworn Declaration in the matter of Chelsea Elizabeth MANNING (Admissibility Hearing), Immigration and Refugee Board (ID File: 0018-C1-00135-01). 

Deibert, R. (2020). Testimony to the House of Commons on Parliamentary Duties and the COVID-19 Pandemic. 

Deibert, R. (2019). Submission of the Citizen Lab (Munk School of Global Affairs and Public Policy, University of Toronto) to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of the right to freedom of opinion and expression on the surveillance industry and human rights, Mr. David Kaye.

Deibert, R. (2017). Submission of the Citizen Lab (Munk School of Global

Affairs, University of Toronto) to the United Nations Special Rapporteur on violence against women, its causes and consequences, Ms. Dubravka Šimonović.

Deibert, R. (2016). “What to do about ‘dual use’ technologies?” Ottawa, ON: Senate of Canada. Link to written testimony. Link to the evidence presented at the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights.  

The Citizen Lab & Anderson, C. (2015). The Need for Democratization of Digital Security Solutions to Ensure the Right to Freedom of Expression. Submission to the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Mr. David Kaye.

Deibert, R. (2008). “Panel III: Access to the Internet and the Participation of U.S. & Western Firms in Chinese Internet Controls.” In US-China Economic and Security Review Commission. Washington, DC: United States Government.

Deibert, R. (1998). Security in the Internet Environment: Issues of Canadian Foreign Policy. Ottawa, ON: Canadian Centre for Foreign Policy Development.

Deibert, R. (1994). ISMA: Re-Appraised: The Politics of Multilateral Satellite Reconnaissance. Ottawa, ON: Arms Control and Disarmament Division, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada.

Deibert, R. (1993). Satellite Reconnaissance for Multilateral Verification: Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty, Nuclear Test Ban, and Chemical Weapons Convention. Ottawa, ON: Arms Control and Disarmament Division, Foreign Affairs and International Trade, Canada.

Book Reviews

Deibert, R. (2009). The Virtual Absence of Malice: Cyber Security and Threat Politics. [Review of the book Cyber-Security and Threat Politics: US Efforts to Secure the Information Age by M. D. Cavelty]. International Studies Review, 11(2), 373-375.

Deibert, R. (1998). Critical Security Studies: Concepts and Cases. [Review of the book Critical Securities Studies: Concepts and Cases edited by K. Krause & M. Williams]. International Journal, 53(2), 375-376.

Deibert, R. (1998). Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International Relations. [Review of the book Post-Realism: The Rhetorical Turn in International Relations edited by F. Beer & R. Hariman]. American Political Science Review, 92(3), 742-743.

Deibert, R. (1997). The Global Political Economy of Communications. [Review of the book Global Political Economy of Communication Hegemony by E. Comor]. International Journal, 52(2), 384-385.

Newspaper, Open Letters, and Other Editorials

Robertson, K., & Deibert R. (2024, May 29). Ottawa Wants the Power to Create Secret Backdoors in Our Networks to allow for Surveillance. The Globe and Mail. 

Deibert, R. & Miller, G. (2023, December 28). When You Roam, You’re Not Alone. Lawfare. 

Deibert, R. (2020, November 21). The pandemic has made us even more dependent on a highly invasive technological ecosystem. The Globe and Mail. 

Deibert, R. (2020, May 7). WeChat users outside China face surveillance while training censorship algorithms. Washington Post.

Anstis, S., Scott-Railton, J., & Deibert, R. (2019, July 19). A Proposed Response to the Commercial Surveillance Emergency. Lawfare. 

Scott-Railton, J. & Deibert, R. (2019, May 3). Governments are deploying spyware on killers, drug lords – and journalists. The Globe and Mail.

Molnar, P., & Deibert, R. (2018, September 26). Ottawa’s use of AI in Immigration System Has Profound Implications for Human Rights. The Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R., & McKune, S. (2018, August 2). Google’s Dragonfly: A Bellwether for Human Rights in the Digital Age. Just Security.

Deibert, R. (2018, August 2). Ottawa Needs to Act on Global Censorship of LGBTQ2+ Content. The Hill Times.

Deibert, R. (2017, December 6). Evidence that Ethiopia is Spying on Journalists shows Commercial Spyware is out of Control. WIRED.

Deibert, R. (2017, January 4). The DHS/FBI Report on Russian Hacking was a Predictable Failure. Just Security.

Deibert, R. (2016, August 2). How Foreign Governments Spy Using Powerpoint and Twitter. Washington Post.

Deibert, R. (2016, July 26). On Research in the Public Interest, Citizen Lab.

Deibert, R. (2016, June 29). Clicking ‘I Accept’ Doesn’t Mean You Surrender Right To Know How A Company Uses Your Data, CBC.

Deibert, R. (2015, March 27). Who Knows What Evils Lurk in the Shadows?

Deibert, R. (2015, May 21). When it comes to cyberspace, should national security trump user security? The Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R. (2014, November 25). The Cyber Security Syndrome.

Deibert, R. (2014, January 31). Now we know Ottawa can snoop on any Canadian. What are we going to do? The Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R. (2013, October). Shutting the Backdoor: The Perils of National Security and Digital Surveillance Programs. Canadian International Council and Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute’s Strategic studies Working Group Papers.

Deibert, R. (2013, September 16). To Protect Canadian’s Privacy, Telcos Must Shut the Back Door. The Globe and Mail

Deibert, R., Cavourkian, A., Clement, A., Des Rosiers, N. (2013, September 16). Real Privacy Means Oversight. The Globe and Mail

Deibert, R. (2013, June 12). Why NSA Spying Scares the World. CNN.

Deibert, R. (2013, June 10). Spy Agencies Have Turned Our Digital Lives Inside Out. We need to watch them. The Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R., & McKune, S. (2013, March 13). Canadians Need to Understand the Scale of the Digital Arms Trade. Ottawa Citizen.

Deibert, R., & McKune, S. (2013, February 6). Teachers’ Pension Plan Invests in Internet Surveillance Firm. Toronto Star.

Deibert, R. (2013). Canada and the Challenges of Cyberspace Governance and Security. School of Public Policy at the University of Calgary, SPP Communique, 5(3). Retrieved from

Deibert, R. (2012). Securing Cyberspace: Canada Needs to Set an Example for Global Internet Security. Canadian Journalists for Free Expression’s Review of Free Expression in Canada.

Deibert, R. (2012, April). Towards Stewardship in Cyberspace. The G8 Research Group.

Deibert, R. (2011, May 26). Cyber Security: Canada is Failing the World. Huffington Post, Canada.

Deibert, R. (2011, March 28). The New Cyber Military Industrial Complex. Globe and Mail

Deibert, R. (2010, December 11). The Post-Cable Gate Era. New York Times.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010, November 12). Meet Koobface, Facebook’s Evil Doppelgänger. Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R. (2010, September 22). Worse Than You Think. New York Times.

Deibert, R. (2010, August 8). Cyberspace Confidential. Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010, April 6). Breaking up Dark Clouds in Cyberspace. Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R., & Rohozinski, R. (2010, January 28). Google, China, and the Coming Threat from Cyberspace. Christian Science Monitor.

Deibert, R. (2010, January 16). More Than a Tech Problem. New York Times.

Deibert, R. (2010, January 14). Google, China, and a Wake up Call to Protect the Net. Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R. (2009, November 2). Smarter Sleuthing Can Save Our Online Privacy. Globe and Mail.

Deibert, R., and Rohozinski, R. (2009, June 30). Ottawa Needs a Strategy for Cyberwar. National Post.

Deibert, R. (2009, May 29). Arms Control in Cyberspace. New York Times.

Deibert, R. (2008, February 14). The Geopolitics of Asian Cyberspace. Far Eastern Economic Review.

Deibert, R. (2003, January 1). The Internet: Collateral Damage. Globe and Mail.