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Ron Deibert’s blog.
✴︎ blogCitizen Lab Recipient of Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) 2010 Vox Libera Award
The Citizen Lab is proud and humbled by the announcement that we are the recipient of the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression (CJFE) 2010 Vox Libera Award. The announcement stated “The Citizen Lab was selected for its dedication to free expression and access to information online. World leaders in the field of “hacktivism,” the Citizen…
✴︎ blogInformation Warfare Monitor Report on Koobface
The Information Warfare Monitor (Citizen Lab, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto and The SecDev Group, Ottawa) announce the release of Koobface: Inside a Crimeware Network by Nart Villeneuve, with a foreword by Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski. There is a Globe and Mail story about the report here including a web commentary…
✴︎ blogMasala Canada Radio Interview re: Rimcheck Project
I spoke to Masala Canada about the Information Warfare Monitor’s newly launched RIM Check project. ( Interview available here from Masala Canada
✴︎ blogCBC The Current
I participated in an interview today on CBC’s The Current regarding Canada’s recently released Cyber Security Strategy. [i come in at the 14:40 mark]
✴︎ blogScience Magazine review of Access Controlled
“The research collected in the volume is the product of a path-breaking interuniversity collaboration: the OpenNet Initiative. For the past five or so years, researchers around the world led by the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk Centre for International Studies and Harvard’s Berkman Center for Internet and Society have been attempting to…
✴︎ blogNY Times essay (Worse Than You Think)
In this New York Times Room for Debate discussion, I discuss the broader context around the recent Twitter hack, here The New York Times
✴︎ blogCBC Current Panel on Nokia-Siemens Lawsuit
I was interviewed by CBC’s The Current on September 17 regarding Isa Saharkhiz’s lawsuit against Nokia Siemens Networks and the broader implications of cyber espionage. The radio clip also features a panel discussion with the son of the jailed journalist, Mehdi Saharkhiz, and Tony Rutkowski, Cybersecurity Rapporteur for the United Nations’ International Telecommunications Union. Listen…
✴︎ blogCyberspace Confidential (Globe and Mail essay)
“We have immersed ourselves in a technological environment of our own making, called cyberspace, which we take for granted as our communications and media ecosystem. We leave electronic traces of ourselves scattered across the servers of this vast geographically extended domain like granules of sand on an endlessly mutating, ever-expanding beach. But who controls this…
✴︎ blogONI Global Summit 2010
Online registration is required and can be done online here
✴︎ blogTechnology Review “Militarizing Cyberspace”
I wrote a short piece for Technology Review magazine here. The issue also has a lengthy feature on cyber security issues called “Moore’s Outlaws,” which can be found here.