Recent Posts
Ron Deibert’s blog.
✴︎ blogOpenNet Initiative Advisory 001
Here is the first OpenNet Initiative Advisory (001) on the “Unintended Consequences and Risks of Circumvention Technologies: The IBB’s Anonymizer Service in Iran.”
✴︎ blogHarvard Crimson story about the ONI
The Harvard Crimson wrote a story about the OpenNet Initiative featured here. HLS Team To Study Internet Censorship Researchers at Harvard Law School are gathering empirical data on the censorship of internet content and are using it to develop software that can subvert filters.A handful of professors at the Law School’s Berkman Center for Internet…
✴︎ blogOpen Source Conference
Citizen Lab is helping to sponsor the Open Source and Free Software Conference to be held May 9-11th at the University of Toronto’s Convocation Hall.
✴︎ blogAnnouncing The Open Net Initiative!
A new approach to university-based research striving to become the eyes and ears of digital censorship worldwide “The Open Net Initiative represents a new approach to university-based research,” says Cambridge University’s Rafal Rohozinski. “We fuse cutting-edge intelligence-derived techniques with a networked model of analysis that includes some of the brightest minds in this field –…
✴︎ blogHacktivista Broadcast
My new documentary series Hacktivista, co-produced with Mike Downie, will air on TVOntario December 26th, 29th, and 30th at 8 pm.
✴︎ blogTVO Diplomatic Immunity
I’ll be appearing on Diplomatic Immunity on TVOntario tonight, which airs on Sunday November 30th at 11 pm. Topic is Internet governance.
✴︎ blogGraduate Course Lecture at KMDI
Last night I gave a lecture to a graduate course at KMDI.
✴︎ blogSan Diego Political Networks Workshop
Political Networks workshop this weekend.
✴︎ blogWSIS gone bad..
Civil society updates on the upcoming WSIS can be found here.
✴︎ blog2003 Press Freedom Awards by Canadian Journalists for Free Expression
On Thursday, I went to the 2003 Press Freedom Awards hosted by the Canadian Journalists for Free Expression — a very worthy organization. It was great to see Alberto Barillas of Guatemala co-receive the award along with Xu Wei, the Chinese dissident sentenced to prison for 10 years for posting “illegal” information on the Internet.…