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Ron Deibert’s blog.
✴︎ report on OpenNet Initiative's report on the UAE.
Another report on the OpenNet Initiative’s report on Internet censorship in the United Arab Emeriates, which can be accessed here.
✴︎ blogVancouver Sun Article on "The Not So Free Internet."
Peter Wilson of the Vancouver Sun put together a lengthy feature article on the ways in which freedom of information exchange is being undermined on the Internet. I provided some background info and input. The not-so-free Internet: From Chinese filtering to police access in Canada, governments are trying to regulate the Internet. But technology has…
✴︎ blogReporters Without Borders Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents
Reporters Without Borders has just released their very useful Handbook for Bloggers and Cyber-Dissidents. The Citizen Lab contributed two chapters, one a general guide to the Civiblog, and a second chapter by Director of Technical Research Nart Villeneuve on Technical Ways to Get Around Censorship. Congratulations Julien Pain and all of the people at RSF for…
✴︎ Report on ONI
There is a story in GulfNews about the ONI’s country report on Internet Filtering in the United Arab Emirates. Thanks to Neil Hrab for forwarding and pointing that out. I must say, though, that we certainly do not “praise” the UAE, that’s for sure. I don’t know where the guy got that from. All we…
✴︎ blogWIRED magazine infoporn pullout on ONI
The most recent issue (Issue 13.09, September 05) of WIRED magazine has an Infoporn pullout based on the OpenNet Initiative’s most recent country reports. I can’t seem to find it online, however, so I guess you’ll just have to fork out the cash and buy it at your local newstand.
✴︎ blogRadio Canada International interview on the ONI
I did an interview with Victor Neremberg of Radio Canada International for his SciTech files show on the OpenNet Initiative project. Although he mentions a couple of times that I am “the founder” of the ONI, as I make clear in the interview I am actually one of the founders, and the ONI itself is…
✴︎ blogSingapore Controls the Net with Laws instead of Code
We at the OpenNet Initiative have just released our report on Internet filtering in Singapore. We found that while Singapore maintains stringent controls over its communications environment, it does so using old-fashioned laws instead of technical filters, as in countries like China or Iran.
✴︎ blogTelus Internet Filtering
We have just released a new bulletin on Telus’s filtering of the Voices of Change website. As we note in our report, Telus’s filtering by IP produced massive collateral filtering of 766 unrelated websites. There are various news articles on our report here, here, and here, and a Slashdot entry here.
✴︎ blogToday Online Story on Iranian Internet Activists
I did an interview for an article in Today Online on Iranian Internet activists. Along with myself, there are interviews with Hoder and my colleague John Palfrey.
✴︎ blogBBC, BBC5, and BBC Persian Interview
Among all of the press coverage of our recent Iran report, I thought I’d post this one from BBCPersian, which has an interview with me translated into Farsi. You can listen to the realaudio package here. As an addendum, here is a nice BBC story by Clark Boyd, with a great interview with Nart Villeneuve,…