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Ron Deibert’s blog.
✴︎ blogAmnesty Slams Cisco
The Amnesty campaign is continuing to raise awareness and debate about Internet censorship practices around the world. Part of the purpose of the campaign is to focus on western companies who provide technologies of censorship and surveillance. There is a ZDNet UK article about the topic, with some of my comments on the matter,…
✴︎ blogAmnesty International and ONI flash map
Amnesty International and the Observer have jointly launched a major global campaign on Internet censorship called to commemorate Amnesty’s 45th anniversary. The objective of the campaign is to show that online or offline the human voice and human rights are impossible to repress. You can sign their pledge and post fragments of irrepressible information…
✴︎ blogPsiphon FAQ
We’ve been fortunate to have a lot of advance press coverage of our Psiphon tool, which of course can be a double-edged sword. Journalists don’t always have an opportunity to get into the nitty gritty details and we’ve been fielding a lot of questions from interested observers. coders, well-wishers, and … well… not-so-well-wishers. We have…
✴︎ blogHoodwinking Censors
Published in the Toronto Star May 7, 2006 The Toronto Star has a lengthy front page article on the Citizen Lab, including profiles of me, Nart, and Michael Hull, and Psiphon, the software we are currently developing to allow individuals to get around Internet content filtering by connecting to servers in non-censored countries. Funny photos.…
✴︎ blogONI Releases Belarus Internet Watch Report
The OpenNet Initiative today released “The Internet and Elections: the 2006 Presidential Election in Belarus.” The report presents the findings of ONI’s effort to monitor the Internet during Belarus’ recent presidential elections. Amidst fears that the authoritarian regime of President Aleksander Lukashenka was going to close down Belarus political cyberspace during the elections, ONI testing…
✴︎ blogNY Times OpEd on OpenNet Initiative
There is a very interesting article by Xeni Jardin in today’s NY Times that references some of the recent findings of the OpenNet Initiative. Xeni points out that the issue of commercial filtering technologies goes far beyond China, and notes our findings concerning those technologies being used in several other countries, like Yemen, Iran, Saudi…
✴︎ blogInternet Filtering in Yemen. Yet Another Western Filtering Story
We (the OpenNet Initiative) have just released our new report on Internet filtering in Yemen. Two things to note about this report. First, the Yemen report is the first that we are releasing in simultaneous English and Arabic translations. It is important to us to have an impact among the constituencies that matter most to…
✴︎ blogDes fissures dans la Web muraille de Chine (Le Monde)
Une technologie développée conjointement par plusieurs laboratoires de prestigieuses universités canadienne, américaine et anglaise pourrait arriver à détourner la censure numérique qui sévit dans plusieurs pays du monde, et notamment en Chine. Ce système est en phase d’achèvement au Canada, et pourrait rendre rapidement un peu d’ ” e-liberté ” aux quelque cent dix millions…
✴︎ blogChina Web Registration Regulation OpenNet Initiative Bulletin 11
The OpenNet Initiative has just released a new bulletin on China’s Web registration regulations. These new regulations add yet additional threads to the country’s web of constraints on freedom of speech. By requiring citizens to register their blogs and websites, and shutting down the sites of those who do not comply, the Chinese authorities are…
✴︎ blogUSA Today and Radio Canada International
The debates over corporate responsibility when it comes to Internet filtering and surveillance are growing in leaps and bounds, thanks in part to the work of the OpenNet Initiative. Kevin Maney’s column in USA Today points out that the recent debates over Google and Yahoo in China are only the tip of the iceberg, with…