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Ron Deibert’s blog.
✴︎ blogCNN: Google Denies Youtube Outage Speculation
“I think many people are, understandably, looking for China to take some unique and extraordinary technical measures to ‘punish’ Google,” said Ron Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk Centre for International Studies. From CNN
✴︎ blogIndex on Censorship: Cyber Wars
Citizens, states and corporations are battling for online space. What happened to the dream of global communication? Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski report. From Index on Censorship
✴︎ blogCNN China Spat with Google won’t affect relations with U.S.
Ron Deibert, director of the Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto’s Munk Centre, which studies the intersection of digital policy and human rights, said Google’s move didn’t come as a surprise. “It’s become unsustainable for Google to operate in this environment,” he said. “They’ve made a decision that the risks are too great for…
✴︎ blogRisking Security: Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security
Ronald Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski, “Risking Security: Policies and Paradoxes of Cyberspace Security,” in International Political Sociology, Volume 4 Issue 1, Pages 15 – 32. Conceptualizations of cyberspace security can be divided into two related dimensions, articulated as “risks”: risks to the physical realm of computer and communication technologies (risks to cyberspace); and risks that…
✴︎ blogGoogle gripe shows Ottawa’s cybersecurity ‘vacuum’
Published in CTV News “The Google attacks were taken extremely seriously — more than just an incident of potential industrial espionage but a major body blow to the American political system,” said Ronald Deibert, a cybersecurity expert at the University of Toronto.. original article here
✴︎ blogChina’s Cyberspace Control Strategy: An Overview and Consideration of Issues for Canadian Policy
Published in Canadian International Council by Ron Deibert Canada should lead global effort to counter Internet censorship and cyber-espionage in China and elsewhere, new CIC paper argues.
✴︎ blogDer Marsch der Geisterratten
Published in De Ziet Der kanadische Meisterhacker Nart Villeneuve jagt Internetspione aus fernen Ländern: Manchmal stößt er auf verwirrte Einzeltäter, manchmal hebt er ganze Cyberarmeen aus.
✴︎ blogGoogle, China, and the coming threat from cyberspace
Published in the Christian Science Monitor By Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski Cyberspace attacks are set to increase. Here’s why – and here’s what we can do to stop them. The recent cyberespionage attacks on Google and that company’s subsequent announcement that it would reconsider its search engine services in China gripped the world’s focus…
✴︎ blogNY Times Room For Debate – Can Google Beat China
More Than a Tech Problem For years, innovative solutions to sidestep Internet filters have plagued Internet censors. Rebellious kids, hoping to sneak a peek around parental controls, have come up with some of the best of these ideas. Others are highly sophisticated open-source systems tended to by brainy PhD.’s and caffeine-fueled programmers.
✴︎ blogGoogle, China and a wake-up call to protect the Net (Globe and Mail comment)
By Ron Deibert and Rafal Rohozinski Action is needed at the global level to ensure that cyberspace doesn’t slip into a new dark age Google’s announcement that it had been hit by cyberattacks from China and that it’s reconsidering its services in that country has smacked the world like a thunderclap: Why the drastic…